Unfair Dismissal Solicitor
An unfair dismissal occurs when you are dismissed but your employer did not have a fair reason to dismiss you or acted unreasonably in the circumstances by failing to follow a fair dismissal procedure.
If you believe that you have been unfairly dismissed from your employment, it is essential that you obtain legal advice. At Doswell Law, we specialise in employment law, including cases of unfair dismissal.
Potentially Fair Dismissal Reasons
An employer can rely on one or more of the following fair reasons:
- Misconduct
- Capability (performance or sickness)
- Redundancy
- Illegality
- Some Other Substantial Reason (‘SOSR’) such as a breach of trust and confidence or a restructuring.
Right to be Unfairly Dismissed
Only employees have the right not to be unfairly dismissed, which means contractors cannot be unfairly dismissed. In most circumstances, you will need to have at least 2 years of continuous service with your employer to be able to make a claim to an employment tribunal.
No Minimum Service Length Requirements
There are certain types of dismissals that are considered automatically unfair (and do not require a minimum length of service) such as being dismissed for health & safety concerns, whistleblowing or for a reason related to pregnancy or maternity leave.
Steps to Make an Unfair Dismissal Claim
If you believe you have been unfairly dismissed, you must make a claim to an employment tribunal within three months of the date of your dismissal. This is a strict legal deadline. You must also complete the ACAS pre-claim conciliation process before being allowed to submit your claim to an employment tribunal. It is therefore vital to obtain legal advice from a well experienced unfair dismissal solicitor based in Kent such as Doswell Law as soon as possible.
How can we help you?
We have extensive experience of handling unfair dismissal claims and can provide you with comprehensive advice on your options including the merits of your claim and the amount of compensation you might receive if you win. We can also help you with any settlement negotiations as an alternative to bringing a claim.
We will always offer you a FREE, no-obligation telephone consultation followed by a reduced fixed fee meeting to give you comprehensive advice and support on your employment issues.
We can advise you either by telephone or at a face-to-face meeting at our offices. We also offer out of hours and weekend appointments to help you to obtain early advice and support.
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Employee Services
Make A Free Unfair Dismissal Enquiry Now.
Please contact Henry Doswell on 01233 722942, complete a Free Online Enquiry or email him at info@doswell-law.com for an initial no-obligation discussion.